Barragan Software 应用

Cheats - GTA San Andreas 1.6.3
In this app you will find allCHEATSandcodesfor GTA San Andreas for Playstation, Xbox and PC&Mac.Youwill also find one button to save your cheatsinfavourite,andlater you will be able to see it very fast.The cheats and codes are: Player, world, vehicles, etc...In English 100%
Cheats - GTA Vice City 2.1.2
In this app you will find all cheats and codesfor GTA Vice City for Playstation 2, Xbox and PC. You will alsofind one button to save your cheats in favourite, and later youwill be able to see it very fast.The cheats and codes are: Player, world, vehicles, etc...In English 100%
Cheats - The Sims games 1.1.3
In this app you will find all CHEATS and codesfor The sims 1, 2, 3 and 4 for PC, Playstation and Xbox. You willalso find one button to save your cheats in favourite, and lateryou will be able to see it very fast.100% in English.
Electrical shaver 1.3
With this application, you will be able to dojesting to your friends, as this application will simulate that iselectrical shaver, with the differences of other application inGoogle Play, this application use the proximity sensor (if it has),and if you put near in your face, the application will sound morestrong and look more real.Extras functions:- You can use the vibration function, and you can deactivate if youwant.- This application will indicate battery percentage, and will usethe led of the electrical shaver, to be more real.The application is available in 16 languages​​: English, Spanish,French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Danish, Finnish, Japanese,Korean, Dutch, Arabic, Norwegian, Polish, Russian and TraditionalChinese.Advice: To work well, the sound system should be strong. (Changevolume)
Cheats - GTA 5 2.4.4
In this app you will find all CHEATS and codesfor GTA 5 (GTA V) for PC, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Xbox 360and Xbox One. You will also find one button to save your cheats infavourite, and later you will be able to see it very fast.The cheats and codes are: Player, world, vehicles, etc...In English 100%
Cheats - GTA IV 2.1.2
In this app you will find all cheats and codesfor GTA 4 (GTA IV) for Playstation, Xbox and PC & Mac. You willalso find one button to save your cheats in favourite, and lateryou will be able to see it very fast.The cheats and codes are: Player, world, vehicles, etc...In English 100%.
Flags and anthems of countries 1.2
Available in English, Spanish, German,Portuguese and French. For Smartphones and Tablets.The world's largest encyclopedia about flags and anthems ofcountries is available for Android.They have been carefully collected and treated step by step so thatthe user experience is fantastic.There are 197 countries and the application allows viewing sortedby continent, or all together. In each country the flag isdisplayed, the capital, can play 10 seconds of the anthem that isstored on the phone, or the ability to hear the full anthem if youhave Internet connection, in addition to displaying basicinformation of the country.
Chispa GVX 1.6
Linterna con la que podrás iluminar todoaquello de tu alrededor. Basada en la chispa de los GVX.-DA VIDA-Características:- Linterna: Para ello deberás tocar la pantalla y con ese gestoactivarás o desactivarás el flash de la camara.- 'Modo oración': Para apagar el flash y el dibujo siga siendo eldeseado.- 'Modo Fondo Blanco': Para que aquellos dispositivos que nodispongan de flash, para que puedan iluminar más por la pantalla silo desean.- 'Modo cambiar brillo': Utilizando los símbolos más y menos de lapantalla, ajustarás el brillo de la pantalla.- Modo ahorro de energía: Si está activada esta opción, cuandoapagues el flash y la aplicación siga ejecutándose, el dispositivoahorrará bastante energía.- Indicador de batería disponible en la propia pantalla.Si tienes algún problema, propuesta o cualquier cosa, escribe a:barragansoftware@gmail.comSi tu dispositivo tiene flash y no funciona la aplicación,escríbenos y trataremos de solucionar el error. Muchas gracias.Flashlight which allowslight everything around you. Based GVX sparkle.DA VIDA-Features:- Flashlight: For this you must touch the screen and this willactivate gesture or will turn off all the flash of thecamera.- 'Sentence mode': To turn off the flash and remain the desireddrawing.- 'White Background Mode': For devices that do not have a flash, soyou can shine more on the screen if desired.- 'Change brightness mode': Using the plus and minus symbols on thescreen, you'll adjust the screen brightness.- Energy saver mode: If this option is enabled, when you turn theflash and the application running, the device will save enoughenergy.- Battery indicator available in the screen itself.If you have any problems, proposal or anything write to:barragansoftware@gmail.comIf your device has flash and the application does not work,contact us and we will try to fix the error. Thank you verymuch.
Quiz of world flags 1.2.1
This game will test your knowledge about theflags of every country in the world. You have flags and anthems ofeach, and using both, and you have to figure out which country itis.There are two modes for 1 player and multiplayer, and each ofthem possess several game modes.In 1 player mode will "by continent" which will select thecontinent you want to play, or "world" where you have severallevels of difficulty, but in this case all continents will be mixedto a bit more complicated.With the multiplayer mode you can play with your friends on thesame device and test them to see who gets the most points.You will also have the maximum rating in each test, detailedstatistics and many things with which you will spend a lot of funand intense moments, alone or with your friends. Do you think thatyou will get to 100% complete? Dare to try.This game has all the flags and anthems of the world, about 197countries, carefully selected to not make mistakes and so enjoy agame as undisputed.Available in English, Spanish, German, French and Portuguese.For Tablets and Smartphones.
My travels: Your travels 1.2
Have you done some traveling and would youlike to have them all stored in the same place?Mytravels is your application because it can save all your tripscompletely interactive and can access them whenever you want. Youhave two options, using a list or a map, showing different optionson each button.The application is fully integrated with the latest fromAndroid, and you can share locations with other applications suchas Twitter, Facebook, email, etc.. And you also have the option ofpassing a photo to the application directly, to save quicklywithout having to open the application in full.Also if you connect it to Facebook with the correspondingbutton, enjoy advantages over other users and you'll have theability to post on your timeline the place visited pushing abutton.Go ahead and try it, the download is free.Available in 9 languages: German, English, Spanish, French,Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese and Russian.
Electrical shaver free 1.4.3
**Free version** It has advertisements. If youwish don´t have more advertisement, buy the full version. Thanks.With this application, you will be able to do jesting to yourfriends, as this application will simulate that is electricalshaver, with the differences of other application in Google Play,this application use the proximity sensor (if it has), and if youput near in your face, the application will sound more strong andlook more real.Extras functions:- You can use the vibration function, and you can deactivate if youwant.- This application will indicate battery percentage, and will usethe led of the electrical shaver, to be more real.The application is available in 16 languages​​: English, Spanish,French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Danish, Finnish, Japanese,Korean, Dutch, Arabic, Norwegian, Polish, Russian and TraditionalChinese.Advice: To work well, the sound system should be strong. (Changevolume)
C. D. Marista Badajoz 2.0.4
Aplicación oficial del Club DeportivoMaristade Badajoz.En esta aplicación encontrarás todas las categorías delosdeportes federados: Fútbol, baloncesto, atletismo y voleibol,asícomo otros deportes. Y de cada deporte dispondrás de la fotodecada equipo, además de los horarios de los próximos partidos ylosresultados. La aplicación tiene la opción de activarnotificacionesy así estar enterado de los resultados y horarios alinstante.Puedes visitar la web del club en la siguiente dirección: applicationofClub Deportivo Marist Badajoz.In this application you will find all categories offederatedsports: football, basketball, athletics, volleyball andothersports. And each sport offers complimentary photo of eachsystem,including schedules of upcoming matches and results.Theapplication has the option to enable notifications and thusbeaware of the results and schedules instantly.You can visit the club's website at the following address:
Floppy Sea 1.4.3
Floppy Sea comes to android!A very addictive videogame which you'll play hours andhours.It's very simple, the character is a fish that you only havetotouch the screen as much as you need in order to advance.Unlike other games, once you finish the game, you have theoptionto share a screen capture with your score so as to challengeyourfriends to get a better one.Are you ready?
Brain Express 1.4.1
Brain Express is a game that will test yourbrain. You have 4 play modes: Memory, agility, speed and logic,with more than 80 levels.Are you ready to play?
Cheats - Pokemon Go 1.1
In this application you will be able to findall the cheats and guides for Pokemon Go.You will see all the objects that are available, how to getexperience, how to get rewards like Pokéballs and potions; and seeall types of Pokemon, with their strengths and weaknesses.Are you ready to be a great trainer?English 100%
InstaSquare Pos 1.5
InstaSquare Pos is an app which you canuploadyour pictures to Instagram without cropping, with blur effectoryou can add border in one color, and if the picturehasgeographical position, the app will keep it.You also have templates for collages with several pictures.In this app you will be able to:- Blur effect.- Send to Instagram.- Share with social networks: E-mail, Twitter, Facebook...- Save in your smartphone.- Crop/Adjust the picture.- Change the border color.- To turn the picture.- Add a geographical position.- Make collages with several pictures.
Semana Santa de Badajoz 2.6.7
Aplicación para Android con toda lainformación sobre la Semana Santa de Badajoz, declarada de interésturístico nacional.Es totalmente gratuita, siendo los beneficios que se obtengan porla publicidad, íntegramente para el comedor social Virgen de laAcogida de la calle Martín Cansado (Badajoz) y el comedor socialSan Vicente de Paul (Badajoz).En ella podemos encontrar las siguientes secciones:- Procesiones por días: En esta sección encontraremos todas lasprocesiones que tendrá lugar cada día, con sus horarios, lainformación de cada procesión y de cada paso, la banda musical quelleva, los puntos de interés, el recorrido que lleva, así como verel recorrido de manera interactiva en un mapa de la ciudad.- Recorridos: Podremos seleccionar el día que deseemos, y veremosel recorrido de todas las procesiones de ese día de formainteractiva, para que podamos ver por donde pasa cada procesión entodo momento. En el mapa también veremos puntos de bares o empresasque se anuncian, y que gracias a ello, están colaborando con loscomedores sociales de la ciudad.- Cofradías: Aquí podemos encontrar información referente a todaslas cofradías de la ciudad.Toda la información ha sido obtenida del procesionario realizadopor el Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Badajoz.Android App with all theinformation about Easter of Badajoz, declared of national touristinterest.It is free, with the benefits obtained by advertising, entirely forsocial dining Virgin of welcome Martin Street Tired (Badajoz) soupkitchen and St. Vincent de Paul (Badajoz).Here we can find the following sections:- Processions for days: In this section you will find all theprocessions that take place every day, with their schedules,information of each procession and each step, the band that takes,the sights, the tour leading and see the route interactively on amap of the city.- Tours: We may select the day you want, and see the path of allthe processions that day interactively, so we can see where eachprocession passes at all times. The map also see points to bars orcompanies that advertise, and as a result, are working with soupkitchens in the city.- Guilds: Here you can find information about all the brotherhoodsof the city.All information has been obtained from the processional made by theHon. City of Badajoz.
Dando C@lor 1.1.2
En la aplicación de la asociación DandoC@lorpodrás encontrar información sobre quienes somos, losprogramas quetenemos de voluntariado en el hospital, lasactividades querealizamos, así como el contacto con nosotros.Aparte de la parte informativa de la aplicación, tambiénpodrásrecibir mensajes desde Dando C@lor con avisos sobreactividades oeventos por ejemplo, así como ver las noticias de lapágina webdirectamente en la aplicación (Esta función disponible enlospróximos días).Si quieres saber más sobre nosotros, ¡descarga la aplicaciónysíguenos en las redes sociales!In the application oftheassociation Dando C @ lor you will find information about whoweare, the programs we volunteer in the hospital, our activitiesandcontact with us.Apart from the informative part of the application, you canalsoreceive messages from Dando C @ lor with warnings aboutactivitiesor events for example, as well as view news websitedirectly in theapplication (This feature is available in the comingdays).If you want to know more about us, download the applicationandfollow us on social networks!
MyWedly 1.2.2
MyWedly is the social network of weddingswhere the couple will be able to create an event with all theinformation about their wedding and to share from the previousmonths until the great day with their guests.Guests will be able to follow the event, if they are previouslyaccepted and every time the couple make a post, the guests willreceive a notification on their mobile, being able to comment, giveto Like and download the photograph if they wish.In addition, users can be added as friends, and chat conversationsof the application in a completely private, so that no one else canread the messages.Has it ever happened to you that you went to a wedding and therewas someone who was taking photos and you did not know? With thissocial network you will not miss any details, because each guestcan upload their own photos and share them with other guests.Do not wait any longer and download it!